Have you ever seen those little plastic loaves of bread with an opening on top, filled with colorful strips of cardboard that have a Bible verse on each side? My grandparents, George and Elsie, had one of those on their dining room table for many, many years. Before the ate a meal, 3 times daily, at every single meal, they read a verse (or two!) and prayed over their family. Particularly for those who did not know Jesus as Lord and Savior. You may be thinking, "Aww, how sweet," and you're right, it is a sweet memory of grandparents (both of whom have gone to be with the Lord). But you'll find it more inspiring when I tell you the size of the family: George and Elsie had 14 children, 75 grandchildren, 88 great-grandchildren, and 12 great-great-grandchildren at the time of my grandfather's death. They prayed long and hard for their descendants, and many times their meal had grown cold well before the praying ceased. Oh yes, they were true intercessors. Out of all th...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.