Writing a review for a product this comprehensive and just plain F-a-N-t-A-s-T-i-C can seem a bit intimidating. Positive Action for Christ has created a Bible curriculum that can definitely be described as both comprehensive and fantastic ~ intimidated or not, here goes my review of "The Life of Christ from the Gospel of John"!
You have three options for teaching the lessons; 3 days, 4 days, or 5 days each week. Perfect for a homeschool mom! Some of us do Bible lessons each day, and some of us do family devotions a few times a week. Positive Action for Christ will work well no matter how you teach the Bible in your homeschool. And if you teach the Bible as history, then "The Life of Christ from the Gospel of John" is exactly what you're looking for.
One brief example of the kind of in-depth lesson you can expect from this product can be taken from p. 15 of the Teacher's Guide. Here is compares John to the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). Matthew was written to the Jews; Mark was written to the Romans; Luke was written to the Greeks. John, however, was written to ALL people ~ including you, me, and our homeschooled children. The lessons take your student step by step through John's Gospel, and don't worry if you aren't a theologian; you can still teach a thorough year of Bible using Positive Action for Christ. In fact, you will learn so much as you teach you may feel like a theologian by the end of the school year!
Each lesson has a specific focus and the questions to be answered by students (using their own student book) work toward that specific focus. The student is being moved closer and closer to a full understanding of each lesson's end goal. This requires the student to dig into Bible to find the answers. This is a very meaty curriculum - students end up feeling very satisfied when they find the answers. In the sidebars of the soft-cover student book is interesting information to glance at as the lesson is being worked through. And for those children who always want more than the text divulges, Positive Actions for Christ includes an excellent Recommended Reading list in the teacher's guide.
It is also very easy to teach; but extremely thorough. These two attributes are not always found in combination in homeschool curriculum. I am drawn to things that are simple to teach, so this is a perfect fit for my homeschool.
I received (at no cost for review purposes) the student book, teacher's guide (3-ring bound) and a cd of transparencies. The cd is mainly for use on overhead projectors or video equipment, but you can certainly find plenty of use for the transparencies in your homeschool. They are great visuals to aid you in your teaching, and many children are visual learners. Positive Action for Christ feels that what the student visualizes, they will be better able to grasp and retain. Quizzes and tests are provided - but the forward recommends grading these by your own standard and grading scale. Not all homeschool families use traditional grading systems and not all homeschool families grade their Bible lessons or devotional time. Use the resources in ways that benefit your homeschool and help your children grow in their knowledge of God's Word. The Holy Spirit will guide you as to just what that looks like in your family.
A mom could even use this in her own quiet time before the kids wake up and then teach the lesson to them later in the school day. I can see the potential for large amounts of growth occurring using this method. You can check it out for yourself at www.PositiveAction.org.
Positive Action for Christ's study of John's Gospel contains 35 lessons - opening with an introduction to and the purpose of the Book of John and ending with the post-resurrection fishing trip. I found that the notes in the teacher's manual are well worth the price of this product. It's of a lasting value that far exceeds the purchase price (listed below). Getting all the way to Lesson 35 will, of course, require hard work and commitment - the trademark of a homeschool family!
>"The Life of Christ from the Gospel of John" is available for purchase at www.PositiveAction.org ~ Student Manual(35 lessons) is $17.95 (or $8.95 for a basic version) ~ Teacher's Manual(342 pages) is $41.95 and includes the cd of transparencies. At the website you can also download a free Scope & Sequence of their product line, which makes it very easy to determine which items would work best for your family. The items I have reviewed are geared at high school age students.
I have enjoyed this product so much that I am certain I will purchase from them in the future. As the leaders of our church youth group, I am excited to use their church resources. A HUGE thanks to Positive Action for Christ for allowing me the opportunity to use and enjoy such a terrific product.
God bless you as you study the Gospel of John, written to ALL people, including you and me.
Day 68 done :)
Jan L. Burt
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