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A Couple of Announcements & A ***** GIVEAWAY *****

Hello to all my fellow mothers who homeschool!

I have to tell you, as the calendar rolled from 2018 to 2019, I could hardly believe it. How did another year pass by so quickly?

I don't ever get used to the speed at which life travels. And maybe that's a good thing. Maybe I need to be aware of the days and weeks, and feeling like time is flying by helps me to refocus, slow down, and be present in the "right now".

I have a couple of things to mention, but I also wanted to share about a GIVEAWAY that I am going to host here on my blog.

I am giving away one paperback copy of the devotional book "Whispers of Hope: 10 Weeks of Devotional Prayer" by Beth Moore.

This book sells for $14.99 at bookstores and on Amazon. And one person will be mailed a physical copy as soon as this GIVEAWAY comes to an end!

All you need to do to enter is A) post a comment on this blog post to tell me what you are most excited about OR are most dreading in 2019 or B) find me on Facebook and like my page All Things Homeschool (you'll know it's my page if you see a cute blue bird on a hot pink background!) Any new followers/likes that I get after January 7th, 2019 will automatically be entered! OR C) purchase a conference ticket (see details below) via the link and you will be entered into this GIVEAWAY! So you have 3 ways to enter and can even enter all 3 ways to increase your odds of winning. Feel free to share this post if you'd like

And the other couple of announcements that I wanted to share with you are ...

          I am speaking at this year's "A New Year - Your Best Year 2019 Conference for Moms". It is an entirely online conference with dozens of speakers, a plethora of topics, and over 175 sessions. AND if you purchase a ticket, you get lifetime access to the conference sessions. The conference is hosted on Teachable and there is also a Facebook group for all conference attendees.

My 3 sessions are:

     Let’s Get in the Word – All Year Long! (A Bible Reading Plan for 2019) by Jan Burt: This conference workshop is all about planning and maintaining a Bible reading plan that will last throughout the entire year. We all know it’s important to be in the Word of God on a regular basis. But many of us need a plan in order to make quality Bible reading time a reality in our busy lives! Join me during this session to discover a reading plan that is “doable” for busy moms & let’s get in the Word all year long!
     Help! How Do I Live Out This Christian Life, anyway?!? (Titus 2 Discipleship) by Jan Burt: When Jan was a brand-new Christian and a busy mom of little ones, she desperately sought out Titus 2 mentors…and sadly, she found nothing in place to help her at my local church. So she turned to books and other resources to try and fill her need to be discipled according to the Biblical model given in the second chapter of Timothy. Again, she found very little available to help her become a better wife, better mother, and a better Christian. She was disheartened to find so little material of any substance regarding the most important parts of her life. If you have ever felt the same way, this conference session is for you! Jan will be sharing with younger women what she needed but could not find when she was a young woman – Biblical truth & guidance from a Christian woman who has been there and wants to bless those coming along behind her. (And if you are not a “younger” woman, join us for this session and learn some tips about how to be a Titus 2 mentor for the women in your life!)

     Praying Your Way Through 2019 – Your Best Year Ever! by Jan Burt: This workshop is all about prayer and how to make 2019 the best year ever for your prayer life! We will cover Bible promises about prayer and will reference specific verses to grow our prayer lives and move us forward in faith as we seek the Lord for our best year ever. In addition to discussing prayer in depth, there will be a time of prayer during this conference session and a “follow up” pdf which can be printed out to use as you keep track of how God answers your specific prayers throughout 2019. Join us & let’s start 2019 off with a bang and make it our best year ever!

You can purchase your lifetime access ticket to the conference via THIS LINK: (but tickets are only available  until the conference ends...which is in just a couple of days!)

And there are $800 worth of freebies included in the ticket price - which is just $20. When's the last time you went to a conference for Twenty Bucks?

And the last thing I wanted to mention was that I am finally ready to launch the Titus 2 Discipleship members site! After months and months of work on my website ( I finally decided to use a different platform and get the site up and running rather than mess with my tech issues with never-ending delays.

If you would like to check out - I would be blessed to see you there and hear any feedback you have to offer!

There are individual courses available at either a FREE price or very modestly priced; or every single thing on the site now as well as every single thing that will be added is available for one monthly price of $10.

 Oh, and I forgot to mention that the freebie I am giving away via the online conference is "A 21-Day Prayer Journey". What a great way to kick off the New Year - with focused, dedicated prayer!

Those are all of my big announcements!

The GIVEAWAY will end on January 23rd, so don't wait too long to enter! 

Lord bless you and I pray your 2019 is truly a wonderful year, filled to overflowing with things Jesus has especially planned for you! May you know how much the Lord loves and cherishes you & grow in His grace every day, all year long!

Jan L. Burt


This book sells for $14.99 at bookstores and on Amazon. And one person will be mailed a physical copy as soon as this GIVEAWAY comes to an end!

All you need to do to enter is A) post a comment on this blog post to tell me what you are most excited about OR are most dreading in 2019 or B) find me on Facebook and like my page All Things Homeschool (you'll know it's my page if you see a cute blue bird on a hot pink background!) Any new followers/likes that I get after January 7th, 2019 will automatically be entered! OR C) purchase a conference ticket (see details below) via the link and you will be entered into this GIVEAWAY! So you have 3 ways to enter and can even enter all 3 ways to increase your odds of winning. Feel free to share this post if you'd like!


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