I recently did a Google search in an attempt to discover how the majority of homeschoolers would answer the following question:
"What is a homeschooling mothers #1 need?"
I really wasn't confident as to what the answer might be. I mean, sure, I know what my main needs and frustrations are as a mom who has homeschooled all five of her children from pre-school through high school graduation. But I wanted to know other mom's thoughts on the matter. Because, as a blogger, I decided my 2018 goal would be to provide quality content that meets the most pressing needs in a very specific way.
A Google search seemed like the perfect place to pose my question. (Next week I am going to use Pinterest to further explore this question.)
Any guesses as to what Google revealed?
The absolutely, definitive answer to my question about the #1 need of homeschooling mothers was......ENCOURAGEMENT!
Over and over and over again, in different formats and forums, phrased one way and then stated another, I just kept getting the same exact answer. Homeschoolers need, above all else, to be encouraged.
My next thought was whether or not my blog ~ which bears the name "A Blog Devoted to Encouraging Homeschooling Mothers ~ and even the Bible study I wrote some years ago (The Homeschooling Mothers Bible Study: Encouragement for Homeschooling Mothers) were living up to their names. Am I any good at encouraging my fellow homeschool sojourners? Or do the ups and downs of my daily life come through via my blog posts more than anything else? And, it seemed very clear to me that I already knew what homeschoolers need well before I embarked upon my Google search.
We need encouragement. I need encouragement. Duh.
If you are so inclined, please leave me a comment on this post (or send me an email at janlburtauthor@gmail.com) and let me know of any specific things you would like help with, encouragement about, or a topic you would love to see a post about. If I can encourage even one mom today, man, I'm all about that. I well remember those doses of encouragement that sustained me through difficult days. I would very much like to give out as many doses of encouragement as possible.
Mom, you are doing a good job with your children. Your hard work will reap a harvest one day. On the good days and the not-so-good days, the Lord will be right there with you as your companion, counselor and constant source of strength. Mom, you are doing a very good job with your children. Thank you for all that you do, day in and day out. It means something. Actually, it means everything.
Lord bless you today!
Day 373 done :)
Jan L. Burt
"What is a homeschooling mothers #1 need?"
I really wasn't confident as to what the answer might be. I mean, sure, I know what my main needs and frustrations are as a mom who has homeschooled all five of her children from pre-school through high school graduation. But I wanted to know other mom's thoughts on the matter. Because, as a blogger, I decided my 2018 goal would be to provide quality content that meets the most pressing needs in a very specific way.
A Google search seemed like the perfect place to pose my question. (Next week I am going to use Pinterest to further explore this question.)
Any guesses as to what Google revealed?
The absolutely, definitive answer to my question about the #1 need of homeschooling mothers was......ENCOURAGEMENT!
Over and over and over again, in different formats and forums, phrased one way and then stated another, I just kept getting the same exact answer. Homeschoolers need, above all else, to be encouraged.
My next thought was whether or not my blog ~ which bears the name "A Blog Devoted to Encouraging Homeschooling Mothers ~ and even the Bible study I wrote some years ago (The Homeschooling Mothers Bible Study: Encouragement for Homeschooling Mothers) were living up to their names. Am I any good at encouraging my fellow homeschool sojourners? Or do the ups and downs of my daily life come through via my blog posts more than anything else? And, it seemed very clear to me that I already knew what homeschoolers need well before I embarked upon my Google search.
We need encouragement. I need encouragement. Duh.
If you are so inclined, please leave me a comment on this post (or send me an email at janlburtauthor@gmail.com) and let me know of any specific things you would like help with, encouragement about, or a topic you would love to see a post about. If I can encourage even one mom today, man, I'm all about that. I well remember those doses of encouragement that sustained me through difficult days. I would very much like to give out as many doses of encouragement as possible.
Mom, you are doing a good job with your children. Your hard work will reap a harvest one day. On the good days and the not-so-good days, the Lord will be right there with you as your companion, counselor and constant source of strength. Mom, you are doing a very good job with your children. Thank you for all that you do, day in and day out. It means something. Actually, it means everything.
Lord bless you today!
Day 373 done :)
Jan L. Burt
I blog-hopped my way here. Thank you for your desire to offer encouragement. I'll be stopping by again to see what you have to say to this homeschooling mama of 12! Because though the work is joyful, it is also hard work!