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Showing posts from November, 2012

Still Lolo by Lauren Scruggs ~ Tyndale Book Review

The young woman who suffered terrible injuries when she unintentionally walked into the prop of a small aircraft tells her story, and that of her entire family, in the book Still Lolo (from Tyndale House Publishers). More than just the details about her accident and recovery, the book details the childhood of Lauren Scruggs, her close bond with twin sister Brittany, her relationship with her parents and her walk with the Lord. Short chapters each feature the "voice" of one family member, providing a broad picture of Lauren (known as Lolo). I found this book to be a fast read, and I don't normally pick up books about events that have occurred so recently (silly habit I have of reading primarily "old" non-fiction and even "older" fiction) but when I saw Still Lolo available for review from Tyndale I decided to read the story behind the propeller accident. I have to say that I do appreciate the honesty and openness of all member of the Scr...

Ending November Well

November is the one month of the year when, perhaps more than any other, we pause to give conscious and audible thanks to God. And now that the actual event of Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, it's easy for many of us to cease in our giving of thanks. At least, until next November rolls around on the 2013 calendar. I'd like to encourage you to continue to give thanks to the Lord our God on a daily, continual, and ongoing basis. He gives us every heartbeat ~ He gives us every moment we experience ~ He gives us His unending love ~ and He has given us His Son. It's really not much to give Him thanks in return. Don't let the Christmas rush be the reason you end up thanking the Lord less and less each day. I'm sure that sounds pretty ridiculous when it's phrased like that...ya know, it's not Christmas that makes us irritable or stressed or over-worked. It's not the very season in which we ought to be most intentional about thanking God for the gift of ...

The Radical Question ~ A Radical Idea by David Platt

This little 110-page book by David Platt packs a big punch. I loved it right from the very first page. The author's heart for the suffering church, and his deep desire for the westernized church to live a radical life for the kingdom of God, shines through on every page. I whole heartedly agree with David's sentiment that the church in America is, well, a little soft. To follow hard after Jesus, to truly be a disciple in this modern era...what does that look like? And are we missing it by an inch or by a mile? The Radical Question, A Radical Idea is an easy read that answers the type of questions mentioned above. But while it may be an easy read, it's not at all easy to live out a radical life. Don't bother reading this book if you don't want to be challenged. However if you have a desire for something more in your Christian walk, and you share David Platt's belief that we were meant for so much more than large church buildings and self-serv...

Schoolhouse Review ~ Vocal Coach Singer

Vocal Coach Singer is a 12-disc singing system for youth through adults. It was created by Chris and Carole Beatty, two amazing people who have been teaching singing for more than 40 years. They have established credibility and an excellent track record as vocal coaches, and that makes Vocal Coach a solid choice for anyone (particularly homeschoolers) who are looking for singing guidance. Here is what I got ~ 7 Training CDs: Getting Started Complete Breathing Complete Warm-Up Complete Tone Complete Expanding Your Range Complete Diction Complete Performance 4 Workout CDs: Daily Workout High Voice 1 & 2 Daily Workout Medium/Low Voice 1 & 2 Plus these great educational tools: Guidebook – Full-size Instructional Guidebook to Ensure Success Printable Lead Sheets – each exercise in our course, plus track lists Personal Singer's Journal (Getting Started Journal &; Workout Journal) to Track Your Progress Vocal Coach Song Evaluation – Evaluat...

Balance Your Time

It's easy for us homeschool moms to justify some extra time spent on "improving our homeschool". We can search for creative ideas on Pinterest, soak in a bubble bath while reading our favorite homeschool magazine cover to cover, or run off the the library to gather some books for upcoming studies. None of these is wrong, but spending too much time "improving" can be detrimental to our marriages and our children. More than a well-prepared mom, our kids need us to simply be fully there as a mom. Husbands don't need a perfectly organized closet as much as they need a wife who loves and respects them. And those who are watching us as we live out this homeschool lifestyle (in particular those who may be wondering if homeschooling is an option for their family) need to see us enjoying the life we're living rather than always striving to "improve" our life...which sometimes is more about "escaping" from our commitments more than making imp...

Schoolhouse Review - Growing Up Wild

Growing Up Wild is probably best described as a foreign missions curriculum, but it really is far more than that. Yes, it is the story of a homeschooling/missionary family who are raising their four boys in Papua, Indonesia. And yes, the Growing Up Wild episodes are enormously insightful as to what the day-to-day life of a missionary family is like. But they are also educational, covering a wide swath of subjects, and just plain entertaining. I could not have been more pleased with Growing Up Wild , and I am hopeful the Wild family will continue to create more episodes. I received Volume 1 & Volume 4 from their set of 5 DVD's. Volume 1 contains the episodes Home Sweet Hut, Supply Trip, and Sun & Water . Volume 4 has the episodes Amazing World Around Us, Adventures in Culture, and Tribal Calling . Each episode is about 15 minutes long, so each DVD has about 45 minutes worth of video time. But each one also has a CD with an Activity Guide that has fun things yo...

Redemption by Bryan Clay (BookSneeze review)

The book Redemption (by Bryan Clay) was not at all what I expected. It was so much better than I'd hoped it would be! Sure, it's a great story about an inspirational athlete. But it's also the story of a young man who grew up to be a loving husband and a dedicated father. And that is what makes Redemption a great book in my opinion. This book is very easy to read - you feel sort of like Bryan is having a friendly conversation with you. He's very real about his faults and surprisingly humble about his accomplishments. And as I mentioned earlier, his heart to be a good husband and father makes this book terrific. I think any young person who hopes to become a professional athlete should consider reading this book, because it provides a realistic and healthy attitude about the world of sports from a Christian perspective. I hope people consider reading Redemption , because this book can impact the attitude of an entire generation of young believers ~ helping t...

Melissa & Doug Terrific Twenty List and Giveaway

Ever heard of Melissa & Doug toys? They make super-awesome stuff that kids young and old love to play with. And right now they are having a super fantastic holiday special called " Melissa & Doug's Terrific Twenty ". They are giving away a toy every day through November 26th. You really don't want to miss it - click on the link above or the image below to check it out!  Good luck :) To see the super terrific toys they're giving away, click HERE ! And check out their Facebook page to enter on a daily basis HERE ! In addition to this super-awesome giveaway, you can win one of their super-awesome toys (the game Suspend) from me by leaving a comment (with a way to contact you if you're the winner!) on this post! The winner will be chosen on November 27th, so don't dawdle, leave a comment for you chance to win Suspend! Click HERE to learn more about his super-awesome game. Good luck and be sure to keep Melissa ...

Jesus Pure & Simple by Wayne Cordeiro

I have read quite a few books - some for enjoyment, others out of necessity, and many for a review. Jesus Pure & Simple (by Wayne Cordeiro) falls into the latter category. It's the only category it fits in, actually, as I did not enjoy this book at all. I tried - honest I tried!- but the author's theology and interpretation of God's Word just doesn't fit with my belief in Jesus, pure and simple! It's twelve chapters that are meant to be a down-to-earth compilation of the real Christian life as it was originally meant to be. But it seemed to be more of a rambling book, not always flowing very well, and sometimes just plain confusing. I could not always determine the point the author was attempting to make; and at other parts of the book, I was unable to draw the conclusions he was drawing from Scripture ~for example, his odd idea that all of us are part of the "666" mentioned in Revelation - and his assertion that it's not the "222's or...

Schoolhouse Review ~ Journeys of Faithfulness by Sarah Clarkson

Last year I was blessed to review a wonderful book by Sarah Clarkson ( Read for the Heart ). This fall I am doubly blessed to have received another of Sarah's books for use in our family's homeschool. This is truly an inspired book, and Sarah's love for the Lord and desire for young ladies to grow in His grace can be found on every page. Journeys of Faithfulness is a 232-page book for girls age 12 & up that shares about the lives of Mary, Martha, Esther, Ruth and Mary, mother of Jesus. Divided into four parts, with three chapters in each part, this book is a perfect fit for young ladies who are seeking to grow in their walk with the Lord. Each chapter contains a reading selection about one woman's life, a devotional, a Bible study, and a place to journal or take notes. I can see this being a valuable resource for any family raising daughters, and from the perspective of a homeschool mom, it was the perfect fit for daily Bible assignments. Sarah takes the B...

Do You Know Enough of the Word?

We all know that Jesus countered Satan's temptations by saying, "It is written..." and after three times, Satan left him alone until a more opportune time. But do we actually apply this when we find ourselves in discouraging, exhausting, or tempting circumstances? Don't answer that question until you actually think about it for a minute.... Defeating Satan by reminding him what God's Word says only works if we actually, well, remind him what God's Word says! Sometimes I wonder if we think we're reminding him (when we haven't actually quoted any of the Word). Other times I think we hope that the Lord will just send our enemy away, or that the devil will just leave us alone if we pout and maybe even whine a little bit. Well, let me tell you emphatically, that will not work! And if we don't spend much time in God's Word, thereby not knowing what it does (and does not!) say, we will end up getting whooped up on spiritually. So how much of God...

Schoolhouse Review ~ RECON

RECON is a high-school worldview curriculum written by Bill Perry, a homeschooling father of seven. Intended for students in the 11th and 12th grades, RECON aims at helping prepare students not only to survive but to thrive spiritually while at college. Having a son in college, three daughters in high school and one in middle school...well, let's just say I found myself pretty interested in what this curriculum had to offer! The first thing I did when I received RECON was to read the author's letter. It stated that I will best understand the curriculum by first visiting their web site's "About" page. He suggests reading this information prior to teaching any lessons. Click HERE to go directly to that page. Once I had a grasp of the overall intent of RECON , I was ready to dig into the materials. I received the Teacher's Manual along with one copy of the Student Workbook . Comprised of 72 worldview lessons in a 434 page book, the Teacher...