The young woman who suffered terrible injuries when she unintentionally walked into the prop of a small aircraft tells her story, and that of her entire family, in the book Still Lolo (from Tyndale House Publishers). More than just the details about her accident and recovery, the book details the childhood of Lauren Scruggs, her close bond with twin sister Brittany, her relationship with her parents and her walk with the Lord. Short chapters each feature the "voice" of one family member, providing a broad picture of Lauren (known as Lolo). I found this book to be a fast read, and I don't normally pick up books about events that have occurred so recently (silly habit I have of reading primarily "old" non-fiction and even "older" fiction) but when I saw Still Lolo available for review from Tyndale I decided to read the story behind the propeller accident. I have to say that I do appreciate the honesty and openness of all member of the Scr...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.