Today's post will be short and to the point. And what's the point? Well, just to do a quick shout out to some true friends. There is no order to this listing - like any good homeschool mom knows, NEVER play favorites!! Janette - hard-working, diligent in prayer, shoots it to ya straight - one amazing lady - she's one of the best and I can call her my friend! Kimberly - loyal, loyal, loyal and always incredibly supportive - one who makes me stronger as a homeschooling mother - and one who openly loves my kiddos & let's me love her kiddos too! Jeannie - never ceases to make me feel great about my kids & is able to push me to be better w/o being pushy in the least! A friend for life. Miriam - will lend you a hand at a moment's notice & makes everyone's day a whole lot brighter! Also the mother of 2 really wonderful tykes - she's awesome! Kym - a pillar of strength and a source of courage that emboldens me as I watch her walk through a dark valley - ...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.