How many things do you have to accomplish during the course of a day? Now think about all you do during an entire week. Start thinking about everything you have to get done in a month, or a year, and you might break out in hives. For most homeschool moms, burnout happens one day at a time. If I had to take a guess as to the number one cause of burnout among homeschoolers, I'd probably sum it up on one word: LIFE. Life just keeps coming at us, fast and furious. So, preventing or "curing" a case of burnout might involve figuring out how to handle the daily-weekly-monthly-yearly grind. (Spoiler alert: homeschooling is wonderful & amazing & filled with moments that make great memories...but it is also a G-R-I-N-D and there's no shame in admitting that.) Ask yourself if there is any part of your homeschooling that can be better organized, if the overwhelm is getting to you. Is your family involved in too many extracurricular activities, and is that causi...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.