Spring has sprung & in the homeschool world, that can mean a couple of things. #1 - You've almost finished the school year. #2 - You haven't almost finished the school year, but the school year has nearly finished you ... #3 - It's graduation season. It's different process in every state, city, community & homeschool family, to be sure, but the completion of homeschooling your child throughout high school is really something of an accomplishment. It's actually a very big deal. For the student, for sure. Also for the homeschooling parent (who often times is primarily the mom in the family). You may be able to participate in a group graduation (in our community all five of our children participated in a very professionally done ceremony with other local homeschoolers via a homeschool organization). Or you may do your own thing with just friends or family (which happened a lot due to COVID... isn't it interesting how so many things that were "weird...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.