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Showing posts from 2019

One of the BIGGEST Questions I Get About Homeschooling...DUN DUN DUN...

Homeschoolers get a ton of questions from people who don't walk the path of home education. We're used to it...I didn't say that we like being grilled on the regular, mind you. I just stated the hard truth that we are USED TO IT...(as in, it happens a lot & your question that seems so profound is probably one we've answered a couple dozen times.) We aren't easy shocked by people's questions, are we? But there was always one that I answered to varying degrees depending on just who it was doing the asking. Say it's a nosy next door neighbor who isn't really interested in homeschooling, but is interested in everything going on inside every other house on the block and who always has questions locked & loaded...the answer I give her isn't the same as the answer I give to a mom of littles who is trying to figure out how to navigate the brand-new-to-her world of homeschooling. But what, exactly, is the question I answer in varying wa...

Never, Ever Forget that The Lord Has Amazing Promises For YOU!!!

Not a super-duper long post today. Just sharing a Facebook Live that I did recently. I hope it blesses you and reminds you of something amazingly how much the Lord has planned for you :) And be sure to find me on Facebook if you'd like to see more stuff like this ~~ All Things Homeschool AND instagram @janlburt my podcast on iTunes/Apple Podcasts or Spotify "The Burt (Not Ernie) Show" Lord bless you today as you lean in big time to the promises of God for you! Psalm 91 - Pray It & Believe Course with Jan L. Burt available now for $7

Summer Reading for Homeschool Moms ~ TOS HwH Post ~

Have you been homeschooling for a while? Or are you relatively new to the homeschooling world? However you answer those questions, this blog post is for you. And let it be known that even if you have only been homeschooling for a week, that still counts as “a while” in the homeschool community! You may have noticed that there is a TON of reading material aimed at encouraging new homeschoolers, but those resources sort of seem to dwindle away for those who have been at it for a decade or so. I think that is because those of us who are “veterans” work hard to encourage the new homeschooling families… But the truth is, we long-term, older homeschooling mothers need a hefty dose of encouragement on a regular basis as well! That’s just one reason The Old Schoolhouse Magazine’s Homeschooling with Heart blog is so wonderful! It gives homeschoolers of all ages and stages the encouragement so desperately needed! One of my life goals is to encourage homesch...

Homeschool Success in April ~ TOS HwH Post ~

Take a deep breath… Now slowly exhale. Ready or not, homeschooling mother, it… is… APRIL… For many of us who are homeschooling, April is truly our make or break month. You can, with one quick glance at your homeschool bookcase, determine exactly which subjects are on the verge of completion for the year…and which ones are on the verge of imploding. Whatever curriculum you are mostly done with will most likely be completed by the year’s end. It is basically a done deal, and all your hard work these last months is about to pay off. The celebratory shout as you close the cover one last time on that book you have been opening nearly every day, since last August… Oh, that’s a feeling only homeschoolers truly get to revel in! (Let me pause here and briefly share a tidbit of information to encourage you, my dear fellow homeschooler: Interestingly enough, while public schools typically consider a textbook or a course “complete” once they have worked through 80% of...

A Couple of Announcements & A ***** GIVEAWAY *****

Hello to all my fellow mothers who homeschool! I have to tell you, as the calendar rolled from 2018 to 2019, I could hardly believe it. How did another year pass by so quickly? I don't ever get used to the speed at which life travels. And maybe that's a good thing. Maybe I need to be aware of the days and weeks, and feeling like time is flying by helps me to refocus, slow down, and be present in the "right now". I have a couple of things to mention, but I also wanted to share about a GIVEAWAY that I am going to host here on my blog. I am giving away one paperback copy of the devotional book "Whispers of Hope: 10 Weeks of Devotional Prayer" by Beth Moore. This book sells for $14.99 at bookstores and on Amazon. And one person will be mailed a physical copy as soon as this GIVEAWAY comes to an end! All you need to do to enter is A) post a comment on this blog post to tell me what you are most excited about OR are most dreading in 2019 ...