Homeschoolers get a ton of questions from people who don't walk the path of home education. We're used to it...I didn't say that we like being grilled on the regular, mind you. I just stated the hard truth that we are USED TO IT...(as in, it happens a lot & your question that seems so profound is probably one we've answered a couple dozen times.) We aren't easy shocked by people's questions, are we? But there was always one that I answered to varying degrees depending on just who it was doing the asking. Say it's a nosy next door neighbor who isn't really interested in homeschooling, but is interested in everything going on inside every other house on the block and who always has questions locked & loaded...the answer I give her isn't the same as the answer I give to a mom of littles who is trying to figure out how to navigate the brand-new-to-her world of homeschooling. But what, exactly, is the question I answer in varying wa...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.