"The world expects, and rightly, that the Christian should be more gentle, and patient, and generous, than he who does not profess to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus." ~ Mark Guy Pearse Well, well, well...that's a stiff drink of truth for me today! Sometimes I read something and it just pierces my heart & I know that, now that I have seen it, I cannot un-see it. The above quote is a great example. Truth cuts right through all the nonsense and brings our excuses out of the murky darkness and into the cold but clarifying light of day. The truth is powerful and can inspire change where it is needed...so long as we let the Lord work out His will based on the truths He has shown us. So how does this quote relate to homeschooling women? Mothers cannot be screaming at their children and acting out in a rage and still believe that the world sees Christ when it looks at them. Mothers cannot openly ignore their children when they are misbehaving, nor when they cry out ...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.