Homeschooling throughout your child's high school years can be intimidating. Daunting. Freaky-Friday scary. So much feels as if it is resting squarely upon your shoulders, homeschooling mom. And just one aspect of this overwhelming endeavor is the transcript. But, thankfully, this one piece of your child's high school career does not have to be enormously difficult. We have the opportunity to learn from homeschoolers who have walked this path before us ~ and having the way paved ahead of me made me a lot less nervous about creating transcripts for my five children. Here are a few tips for you as you work on transcripts: ~ Use a transcript generating program if you need to. There are a variety of online programs available to the homeschooling community with varying price ranges and options, which means you should be able to find one that...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.