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Showing posts from May, 2018

Working on a Homeschool Transcript?

Homeschooling throughout your child's high school years can be intimidating. Daunting. Freaky-Friday scary.  So much feels as if it is resting squarely upon your shoulders, homeschooling mom.  And just one aspect of this overwhelming endeavor is the transcript. But, thankfully, this one piece of your child's high school career does not have to be enormously difficult. We have the opportunity to learn from homeschoolers who have walked this path before us ~ and having the way paved ahead of me made me a lot less nervous about creating transcripts for my five children.  Here are a few tips for you as you work on transcripts:      ~ Use a transcript generating program if you need to.                There are a variety of online programs available to the homeschooling community with varying price ranges and options, which means you should be able to find one that...

The 2018 Homeschool Moms Conference ~ The Homeschool/Work-At-Home/Blogging Event of the Year!

This is it! It's finally here! Go time, ladies & gentlemen! The 2018 Homeschool Moms Conference is now open for business - beginning today (May 28th, 2018) you can buy tickets for this unique event. Here are some details:      The conference will take place entirely online ~ no lines, no traveling, no extra expenses for eating out or childcare ~ you could even attend this conference in your pajamas if you wanted to!      There are two conference options ~ the Homeschool Mom track or the Work-At-Home/Blogger track ~ AND you also have the option of taking advantage of both tracks for one low price! 2018 Homeschool Moms Conference All-Access Pass ~ early bird price of $25      The conference officially kicks off on June 4th, 2018 but you have access to an early-bird price if you sign up before June 3rd!      The early bird price is...$15 for either the Homeschool Mom track or the W...

~ Book Review ~ The Rescue by Jim Cymbala (with Ann Spangler)

If you have been around the Christian world for very long, you have most likely heard of Jim Cymbala as well as the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. And you may know of some of Jim's previous best seller - Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire . You may also recognize the name Ann Spangler (co-author of The Rescue). When I think of Ann, I immediately think of the Names of God (look her up - I have learned so much about God's Names from her work!). Basically, I was more than happy to read this book in exchange for an honest review. The thing I loved most about The Rescue was the fact that it is both an encouragement to believers that the Lord is still working and moving in the lives of people all around us who seem to be living such train-wrecked lives & that a seeking person could easily pick this book up and meet Jesus personally in any one of the amazing stories shared here. That's powerful stuff. And that's why I think this would make a great book to buy, read, and then pas...

iBlog Post ~ Joy in the Journey Begins with Your Thoughts...

I am a part of the iBlog event taking place throughout the month of May and wanted to share a little teaser from my post (which is about finding joy on your homeschooling journey).      Do you think of homeschooling as your full-time job, or more like a part-time endeavor? What I am really asking is this: Are you fully engaged in your homeschooling work? Where is your heart? To read the rest of the post, visit the blog WiththeHuddlestons     I think you will enjoy what bloggers have to share with you all month long, so be sure to bookmark the page and check back every couple of days to see what's new. Lord bless you today! Day 383 done :) Jan L. Burt author of The Homeschooling Mothers Bible Study (available on Amazon)  & speaker at the 2018 Homeschool Moms Conference (details HERE)  

One Thing I Hate About Homeschooling...

What would you say you dislike the most about homeschooling? Is there anything that just gets in your craw and drives you batty? In all honesty, I probably have a few things that have driven me nearly bonkers over the years - but one thing in particular I pretty much could not stand. Grading school work every evening.  It was always there, looming, waiting for me in a gigantic pile. Every. Single. Day. So many evenings spent grading, feeling as if I were missing out on family time or failing to take care of other tasks around the house. The homeschool day is not finished until I have graded every single subject for every single child and recorded it all in my planner. It's just no fun! Like the laundry, it never goes away... But here's the truth: one day it will go away. Children grow up, go to college, get jobs, get married, move away. Our greatest homeschool burdens are disappearing before our very eyes...and there isn't really any joy in it! For me, the mom w...