Aletheia Writing Magazine is quarterly publication aimed at 13 to 19 year old Christian teenagers that is "committed to offering readers a quality literary and artistic publication that nurtures spiritually minded creativity from Christian teens." As a member of the TOS Crew, I received a copy of the Fall 2011 edition along with a digital copy of the Summer 2011 issue. Having two editions gave me a broader overview of the magazine, revealing a nice variety of content. (These products were provided to me at no charge for review purposes.) Aletheia Writing Magazine has a Featured Contributor in every issue, along with a Writer's Challenge and a Book Review . One of their newest features is a blog where Christian teens can share their thoughts and experiences on many different topics. I'd like to share what 3 of my teen daughters had to say about Aletheia : Oldest daughter ~ "It's a good magazine overall. It features talent from young people in a much more pos...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.