I'd like to share a link to my FaceBook page where you can take a look at a picture I posted of my daughter's latest clay creation as he was baking in our oven. The response to the picture was a wonderful boost to her self-esteem & I just had to share! www.myFaceBook.com If you are interested in having something made from clay by my daughter, leave a comment to this post (or a comment to my FB post) and we will be in touch with you ASAP. She really can make nearly anything out of clay, and she can make items in a variety of sizes. She has even made key chains for family members! And since it is nearly a new year (and the mid-point for many homeschool families) I am offering my book "The Homeschooling Mother's Bible Study" at a discounted price: $10 postage paid for the print version $7.50 for the e-book (sent to you in Adobe reader format via email) If you could use some encouragement as you get back to homeschooling following the Christmas break, leave a comm...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.