Ever wonder about what you would do differenly if given the chance? Would you be kinder to the kid going through an awkward phase in your high school gym class? Maybe you would spend less time tidying your house and more time rocking your baby. Would you save more for retirement? Or give more to those in need? Major in the majors of life instead of majoring in the minors? Worry less and laugh more? Since we can't go back and do things over again, the only good that comes from thinking about what we would change if we were able is allowing our "wish-I-coulda's" to alter our reality right now. And that is easier said than done, right? We have all experienced epic moments in life that cause us to pause and think about what's most important. Every one of us has watched others live their lives in ways that matter - and we've seen people miss the most important stuff by a mile. Human nature lends itself to the envy of those who are getting it right and the urge to k...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.