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Showing posts from April, 2010

What's In Your Homeschool?

So, here it is almost the end of April. As I reflect on the school year, I am awed and blessed by all that the Lord has done in my family. He has gently and lovingly handled every concern, each struggle, all of the emotions that come with 4 daughters and a 17 year old son sharing the same "space" day in and day out - and He has done it while drawing me to Him with cords of kindness. My God is a good God indeed. What's in my homeschool? What's in your homeschool? Is the joy of the Lord there? Is His Holy Spirit leading and guiding you through the day? Is there respect for your husband in your homeschool? Plenty of love and grace and mercy shown to your "students"? Is the Ancient of Days the ruler of all your minutes and hours? Does the Great I AM have all authority over your homeschool - from curriculum choices to character building to sick days? Are you talking to Him and seeking Him all throughout the day? Can you say along with Job, "The Lord giveth; ...

Monday with Mimi

Wow! It's been a while since I've posted! Has my life been busy or have I just neglected this blog? Hmmm...I think my life has been pretty busy and while I may have neglected my blog I don't think I've been neglecting my family, so I guess I'm doing okay, right?! I won't give you a blow-by-blow of what's been keeping me so busy - but some of it is pretty important to our homeschool so I will likely blog about it in the future. Today I'm posting about our lovely female Pug named Mimi. She is a small dog with a big personality, and she brings a whole lot of fun into our lives. Mimi has had some eye problems over the last year and a half, and has been seeing a specialist on a regular basis. Each time Mimi has an appointment with "Dr. B" he puts some numbing drops in her eyes and then measures her pressure in each eye. Now, what's interesting about all of this is that Mimi really loves "Dr. B". I don't mean a little - she thinks t...

E-Book Review ~ "Help, Lord, I'm Getting Ready to Start Homeschooling My Highschooler!"

This post has been a long while in the making ~ I've spent the last 6 weeks or so working my way through this e-book & am now ready to share my thoughts...but my goal is to stick to the content of the e-book as much as possible and not veer too much toward my own experiences as a homeschooling mother of 2 highschoolers. This may be a little hard for me, because I found myself relating to so many of the articles in this compilation that it may be hard for me to share about the book without sharing about myself. I'll start with a brief overview of this e-book's content. The e-book is 122 pages long and is published by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. It is a compilation of articles written by veteran homeschooling mothers who have A) graduated children from their homeschool B) are currently homeschooling high school students or C) both of the above. The introduction was written by Amanda Bennett (anyone who has ever used a unit study probably recognizes her name & if you...