So, here it is almost the end of April. As I reflect on the school year, I am awed and blessed by all that the Lord has done in my family. He has gently and lovingly handled every concern, each struggle, all of the emotions that come with 4 daughters and a 17 year old son sharing the same "space" day in and day out - and He has done it while drawing me to Him with cords of kindness. My God is a good God indeed. What's in my homeschool? What's in your homeschool? Is the joy of the Lord there? Is His Holy Spirit leading and guiding you through the day? Is there respect for your husband in your homeschool? Plenty of love and grace and mercy shown to your "students"? Is the Ancient of Days the ruler of all your minutes and hours? Does the Great I AM have all authority over your homeschool - from curriculum choices to character building to sick days? Are you talking to Him and seeking Him all throughout the day? Can you say along with Job, "The Lord giveth; ...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.