Well, I'm an avid reader and I especially enjoy books that inspire me to honor Christ more and more with my life as a mother who homeschools. I've been flying through my pile of books and am ready for some suggestions for a few good reads. So, leave a comment with your favorite authors, books, magazines, etc. They don't have to be "just for those who homeschool". I enjoy biographies of amazing Christians, inspiring true stories, encouraging reading material of any sort so long as it honors the Lord. You can leave as many suggestions as you would like - the more the better! The reader who leaves the most suggestions will "win" a copy of a book (I have 2 options so I'll let the winner decide which they would prefer). I guess I can't really have an open-ended contest, so the contest will end of Saturday, February 6th (which is also my hubby's birthday, so feel free to give me some great ideas to make his big day loads of fun!) Thanks for sharing...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.