Well, hey there! It's the very last day of May. And honestly, after the last couple of years I feel that it is more important than ever to recognize and celebrate as many milestones and opportunities as we possibly can. The end of a season - the end of a homeschool year - is worth celebrating. The start of a season - the beginning of a summer that doesn't feel quite as constricted & contained & confined as the last couple of summers have felt - this is also worth celebrating. If you've just finished up the homeschool year, I'm over here yelling "CONGRATS!!! Way To Go!!!" at the top of my lungs. And if you are still working on school stuff over the summer months, I'm over here cheering you on, pulling for you, believing in you, and reminding you that what you do makes a huge difference. You matter, your children matter, and so your work as a homeschooler matters. I'm so proud of you! (That might sound a bit cheesy, but I 100% mean it.) So, my ...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.