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Showing posts from February, 2022

One & Only Chance To Use This Coupon For This Week's Life Skills Leadership Summit For Parents - Don't Want You To Miss Out On This! :)

 Just dropping by my blog to share this friendly (but getting close to the very end!) reminder about the Life Skills Leadership Summit that is taking place this week. I've got a couple of sessions in the summit, and if you want to grab the FREE Basic Pass , you can watch all of today's sessions (but only for 24 hours). I also have another session on Friday (again, free for 24 hours with the Basic Pass ). Now, while I'd love for you to at the very least grab your free Basic Pass ticket option (along with  a  personal invite to check out my 2 sessions at the summit - "The Encouragement You Need for the Work of Parenting Well" & "Who Do Independent Thinkers Grow Up to Be?") I also want to make the VIP ticket option available to you just in case you missed some of the sessions that have already been released.  And you will also get  a  couple of free bonus items directly from me.  If you decide to purchase  a  summit ticket via my link, ...

Watch It! (A Friendly Reminder to Make Good Choices Today!)

Guard what goes in & your heart will be better off..   Homeschooling mothers, as a whole, are really good at guarding what our children see and hear. The books they read, who they spend time with, the movies they watch - all this and more is carefully considered and managed. But do we manage our own hearts with the same caution and tenacity? There is just too much garbage that is too readily available at too many moments throughout the day. How often are we seeing things that we'd guard our children from seeing? Not every choice is made wisely...  Glancing at your phone while your son completes his spelling list is, quite frankly, and unwise choice. I do not need to explain why it is unwise; you already know. Truth is truth. It does not shock you to read these words. The hard truth is that constant access to time-wasters and pop-culture is of absolutely no eternal benefit - and even damages relationships and can harden the heart. Apply the same standards across the board...

Fine Arts in Your Family's Homeschool ~ *here's a quick win for ya!

 So, we all know how hard it is to get the basics done in a homeschool day / week / year. The "extras" can so easily be pushed aside for later. But if we don't make a plan and follow it, later may never come. Today I want to share with you a really terrific resource that can help you thoroughly and easily accomplish one aspect of Fine Arts in your homeschool. The Composer Detective Series by Jus' Classical provides a remarkable way to teach music appreciation in a way that your kids will really enjoy. I've done my fair share of products reviews & I only wish I'd had access to these materials when my children were younger. The value is pretty incredible. Super easy to use, high-quality content provided by a competent instructor. Yeah, that pretty much ticks every box for this homeschool mom. Let me tell you what The Composer Detective Full Cours e is all about. It's an all-in-one online course that takes the study of music appreciation to a whole new le...

Homeschool Mom, You Are Doing An Important Work... & Don't You Dare Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise!

 I see a lot of "stuff" in the online space about mom life. And so much of it is really, really great. Advice I wish I'd had when my now-adult children were still at home & we were still in the thick of homeschooling. In some ways, I kind of felt like I was on my own. Going it alone. That was hard! Now, yeah, I guess I did learn a whole lot via the inter-webs back in the day. But it's just all so much more accessible. Like, the gold is just everywhere for parents & homeschoolers. (And there is a lot out there that isn't gold, too... but that's probably a topic for another day's post! You don't have time for me to get started down that rabbit trail today.) I like to research, I love to read, and I am not afraid to try something new - all three of those things served me pretty well during my 25 years of home education.  But not everyone likes to research and read and try new things. So, I may well be the odd-man-out, something of an outlier. I th...