Bit of a touchy topic here on the blog today. But I'm not really one to mince words, so I suppose I'd best just cut to the chase... You ready for it? Okay, here goes...but don't say I never warned you that this might be a touchy subject! Please, oh pretty please, beware that coddling your children will not result in any long-term or lasting good. It won't! It can't! DEFINITION OF THE WORD "CODDLE": treat in an indulgent way; to treat with extreme or excessive care of kindness; to tend indulgently SYNONYM = "mollycoddle" Ever meet someone, anyone, whether a child or full-grown adult, who had been overindulged at some point in their life? who did not know how to live in the real world (which is not exactly an easy place to live, mind you)? It's tragic to see, isn't it? And yet as homeschoolers who love our children & desperately work to train them up with a deep & abiding sense of security & protection, ...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.