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Showing posts from April, 2019

Homeschool Success in April ~ TOS HwH Post ~

Take a deep breath… Now slowly exhale. Ready or not, homeschooling mother, it… is… APRIL… For many of us who are homeschooling, April is truly our make or break month. You can, with one quick glance at your homeschool bookcase, determine exactly which subjects are on the verge of completion for the year…and which ones are on the verge of imploding. Whatever curriculum you are mostly done with will most likely be completed by the year’s end. It is basically a done deal, and all your hard work these last months is about to pay off. The celebratory shout as you close the cover one last time on that book you have been opening nearly every day, since last August… Oh, that’s a feeling only homeschoolers truly get to revel in! (Let me pause here and briefly share a tidbit of information to encourage you, my dear fellow homeschooler: Interestingly enough, while public schools typically consider a textbook or a course “complete” once they have worked through 80% of...