So here you are. A mom, probably in your mid-thirties. It's August, which probably means you are kicking off your family's homeschool year. And you are most likely a bit uncertain as to how to actually make this whole thing work. How do I know this? Because for the last 25 or so years, I have been doing this whole thing. And to use an overused phrase, let me just say that THE STRUGGLE ACTUALLY IS REAL! "Momming/Homeschooling" Now if you happen to be that mom who is ultra squared-away, I take my hat off to you. Please, teach the rest of us your ways! We all need some help from the mom gurus and homeschool super heroes living in our midst. Share often via social media and blog posts and through good old-fashioned face-to-face conversations. Your knowledge and wisdom and insight is so much needed! But for the rest of us - the ones struggling to get the laundry folded the same week it was laundered and wondering how many times pancakes can be on the dinner menu...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.