"There is something infinitely better than doing a great thing for God, and the infinitely better thing is to be where God wants us to be, to do what God wants us to do, and to have no will apart from His." - G. Campbell Morgan Homeschooling. Whew! Homeschooling is a long, long road, isn't it? It is always tempting to consider giving up when a task is so long in the doing. But what benefit ever comes from quitting? What great gain can there be from taking a break? or from stopping altogether? Homeschooling may not seem to be the "big thing" that you have always desired to accomplish for the Lord. It may seem tempting to consider setting it aside for some greater work for the Kingdom. But may I advise you to choose carefully ~ to consider wisely ~ whether or not this is actually the truth. It is always best to be right where God wants you, in the exact spot He has placed you, doing something that is slow ...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.