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Showing posts from July, 2017

Invest in July - Reap in September

If you're like me, you don't homeschool year-round. I like to end our homeschool year some time in May and start up again in late August. That, however, is our actual academic schedule. I am always thinking about homeschooling ~ combing through our curriculum bookshelves, updating transcripts, reading books to encourage me as a homeschool get the idea. As a long-term homeschooler ~ as in 20 years! ~ I can tell you that the time spent focused on your homeschool in July pays big dividends come September. First off, mom won't feel nearly so overwhelmed when facing the advent of the new academic year. Second, your kids will have a far better school year if they know everything is ready to go before the year begins. Third, your home will run more efficiently if you are totally prepared for the school year (by totally prepared, I mean caught up on laundry, have all the library books you need, meals are planned, all supplies have been purchased, etc). And your husband ...

Barbara and Susan's Guide to the Empty Nest (Revised & Updated) - by Barbara Rainey & Susan Yates

So, this particular book review carries a special kind of weight for me and hit me squarely between the eyes with it's subject matter. I am about to become an empty-nester and I have absolutely no idea how this can possibly be true. My times they are a-changing. And I don't know that I like the changing of the times, to be honest. Barbara and Susan's Guide to the Empty Nest is easy to read, well thought out, informative and, if not exactly essential for a woman in my situation, then by all means a wise option as I wrap up my current season of life. After all, I have been a full-time homeschool mom for almost 25 years. I probably need to seek out some counsel as I prepare to transition whatever is next for me. The book has 12 chapters, divided into three sections, and includes an epilogue as well as four appendixes and a small group or book club study guide. Like I said, it's well thought out and informative. The chapters stay true to their intende...

Summer Planning

It is easy for the homeschooling mother to sort of "drift" through her summer days. "Drift" being a relative term - summer means VBS and vacation and family reunions and swim lessons and visits to grandma and library reading programs and the like. There are no lazy summer days for busy moms, but there are days when the school year is far removed from our thoughts. Don't let your child's education fall into the deep, black chasm labeled "Out of Sight, Out of Mind". Summer poses an excellent opportunity to evaluate our home life, which of course includes our homeschool life, and make certain that the things which are most important are the things you are accomplishing. So, the big question to ask yourself is this: What is most important to you? Do not be too quick to answer this question. Take your time, think on it, pray about it, listen for the Lord to speak to your heart. What is truly most important to you, as a disciple of Jesus? As a stew...