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Showing posts from September, 2016

Dutch Sheets ~ Intercessory Prayer (How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven & Earth)

Well, it's been quite a good long while since I have posted a book review. Yup - you guessed it...I'm back at it again. A bit more selectively, albeit, but back at it nonetheless. I have been reading through a book written by Dutch Sheets entitled Intercessory Prayer. It is a book about exactly what you think it's about when you see the title; prayer, and specifically that of intercession. If you don't know what that is off the top of your head, no worries - you are certainly not alone. In a nutshell, intercessory prayer is any praying done on behalf of other people or situations that is intended to generate a specific and tangible change. An excellent example would be the time spend praying for your child in one certain way - concertedly, and until God moves and answers. This book, published by Bethany House and available for purchase at Amazon and other retailers, is one of the few books I have read on prayer that actually talks about how to pray. Not vaguely...

My Best Advice for the Homeschooling Mother? Be a Thankful Woman

Psalm 78:4  says this: " We will tell the next generation ..." Tell the next generation what? What are we to tell them? "... of His power, and the wonders He has done ." Do you know the absolute best way to convey to the next generation God's great power, God's great wonders? It is by being a woman who is consistently thankful. Full of thanks. Always grateful. Speaking of God's great power and astounding wonders with such a thankful heart that the two become inseparable. A thankful woman is a content woman. Is that how you see yourself? How others would describe you? Do you feel discontent? Try some gratitude. The impact will be pretty much immediate. Not to mention, your family will love the "new you". Homeschooling is very much about proclaiming the Lord's mighty deeds and declaring who He is to the next generation (at least for the Christian homeschool family). It is a big part of why we do what we do, isn't it? Do we forge...