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Showing posts from April, 2016

Keep Your Homeschool Grounded In Prayer

I don't know about you, but I will fall flat on my face and end in total failure and disappointment any day which I have not bathed in prayer. I just can't do this thing called life, this monumental task of home education, without the Lord's steady hand upon me. And I can only walk hand-in-hand with Him to the degree that I seek Him first in prayer. If the hand the rocks the cradle truly is the hand that rules the world, then our world is in utter danger if those cradle-rocking hands are not folded in prayer to our Lord each day. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the actual truth for all mothers everywhere is this: we shape the future by the manner in which we raise our children today. Here is a quote from E.M. Bounds on prayer and thanksgiving that inspires and challenges me:           "God does much for us in answer to prayer, but we need from Him many gifts, and for them we are to make special prayer. According to our special n...