His sovereignty is His pleasure and His perfect will. It should also be my pleasure, my delight. The Bible teaches that God is Sovereign, and indeed He truly is. He does not waver in His perfect rule over all things at all times. No detail escapes Him. He is never taken by surprise. He actually does have the whole world in His hands - and those hands are very capable. Maturity in Christ involves understanding His sovereignty in ever-increasing measure. Allowing the Holy Spirit to move that from head-knowledge to heart-knowledge to such deep heart-knowledge that we trust Him implicitly and always....well, that is true maturity. Grasping God's sovereignty is a vital part of doing God's will. Implicit trust in Jesus lends itself to radical and rapid obedience. I trust Him, therefore I obey Him. Those who love Him will obey Him, so said our Lord. Obedience is evidence of our trust. Obedience glorifies God. Obedience recognizes God's sovereignty. Getting a hold on the ...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.