1 Peter 4:7b - Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. I doubt many believers would argue that prayer is a vital element in the life of a Christian. But not every believer can claim to always go about their prayer time with a "sober mind". Too often we take our list of wants, needs, and complaints to the Lord in prayer without a sober mind, sometimes called a sober spirit. We simply make our requests and do so with very little thought to the condition of our hearts. it is of the utmost importance to remember- to daily remember! - that while our God is a loving Father, He is also completely holy and righteous. If we forget these aspects of His character, His holiness and righteousness, we fail to come before Him with the reverence and awe that He is due. Being of sober mind, or having self-control as I pray, keeps me focused on who God is rather than focusing on what I want or need. Because one thing I have learned about prayer...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.