Are you one who prays about everything? Few do, you know. It's difficult to train oneself to pray often and over every situation, and people as a whole are lazy about training ourselves to do the things that benefit us - and others! - the most. Praying over everything can also seem, well, weird. And we don't usually like to be seen as weird, strange, odd by our peers or even by strangers. While we live in a society that is eliminating social mores at a staggering pace, in a culture that tells us nothing is weird and everything is acceptable, we still do not want to be seen as weird. Would you like to become a person who prays all the time, over things both large and small? Then spend time in prayer and ask the Lord to make you a constant and consistent pray-er, one who listens to His voice and responds when He calls you to prayer. It's not complicated, but it does take a willing and obedient heart. If you seek Him and expect Him to grow you in prayer, He most certainly ...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.