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Showing posts from October, 2014

Begin To Be Thankful While the Calendar Reads October

In my home, for a never-ending compendium of reasons, October is a busy month. It is typically so busy that it can deplete my patience, energy, bank account and time and leave my head spinning by the time I turn the wall calendar to November. I do not seem to be able to conquer this fall phenomenon which can be referred to as "Octo-Mania". But I really do love fall, I do enjoy all that this first full month of autumn brings. I don't want to be so consumed with busy-ness that I fail to enjoy the blessings that come with Octo-Mania. So I have to make a daily choice to consciously be thankful. Making that decision at the dawn of each new day has enabled me to be a more content follower of Jesus this autumn. It's sort of like choosing to give thanks in October, rather than waiting for the arrival of November. When I was a young mom, way back in my twenties, older and more wizened women would tell me to enjoy the stage of life I was in (diaper bags, midnight feedings,...

If I Were to Make a Transition...

So I found myself wondering, "Hmmm, if I were to begin to blog about things that edify women in the church as a whole, as compared to only those who homeschool, would I lose readers? How much would I need to alter my weblog?" And in the midst of wondering about that, along with finding that most of my ideas for posts are more about greater edification as of late, I have not written much. Which is a problem. Because a writer is only a writer to the extent that she writes, right? But I have also found that my most-read posts are those that have encouraged my non-homeschooling friends as much as homeschoolers. Perhaps there isn't really a conflict-of-interest after all.... All that to say, my posts may be a little broader in scope, at least for the time being. I suspect that something written to edify women who love and serve Jesus will also edify women who love and serve Jesus and homeschool. If you've followed my blog for very long, I am sure you know how often...