It is almost August and that means homeschool moms everywhere are gearing up for the next school year. That also means it's the ideal time for some encouragement in the form of a G-I-V-E-A-W-A-Y!! How would you like the chance to win a FREE ticket to a full week of wisdom, advice and encouragement from some of the biggest names in the homeschool community? Well, here's your opportunity to win a ticket to the upcoming Schoolhouse Expo ( ). Guest speakers include ~ Adam Andrews Ray Comfort Dean Butler Todd Wilson Jessica Hulcy Diana Waring Dr. Jay Wile Hal & Melanie Young Kim Kautzer Antony Kolenc Terri Johnson Andy Harris Jennifer Courtney Joaquin Fernandez Carol Topp Adam Andrews Andrew Pudewa Ann Dunagan Christine Field ...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.