This school year is drawing to a close for our family ~ we have completed 178 academic days and have completely finished almost every single subject, literally "closing the books" on the 2012-13 year. My daughter graduates in TEN DAYS, and in a few short months she will head off to Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. How strange it will be to have two kids in college (my son will be a junior at Wheaton College next year), with only three children still at home!! If you're wondering whether or not the old adage about the days being long but the years being short is true, well, I can tell you that it is indeed true. Very true. Where does the time go? As I was considering what the last five years of homeschooling will look like for me, the Lord showed me a verse from His Word that is now my "life verse" for these last five years. ~ Isaiah 65:23 says "They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune, for they will be a p...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.