The God Moses Knew by J. Roger Nelson is a fictionalized account of Moses leading the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt to freedom in the promised land. It's written as a novel that expounds on the Genesis and Exodus Bible characters to give a glimpse of what their lives might have been like beyond the Biblical record. Moses is the primary figure in the book and as such his life is explored in depth. I'm not typically a huge fan of fiction when it comes to adapting the Bible into a novel, but I was curious to see what the author might have to share about the life of Moses. Some of Dr. Nelson's "ideas" don't align with what we know of Mosses from the Bible - and as a Christian who firmly believe sin the whole counsel of the Word of God, I had to disagree with some of Dr. Nelson's creative ideas. Interesting? Yes. Biblically solid? Umm, not so much. However, if you're into historical Biblical fiction, this could be just the book you've been looking for...
A source of encouragement for women who are not only mothers, but homeschooling mothers.